Arriving at the Birth Center...


12:55am on January 30th, 2007.
Yes, those are his balls...
You'd think the ultrasound techs might've noticed something like that at some point in the preceding 9 months...

Royal and Aunt Robyne (who bravely cut the cord!)

The man of the hour about 36 hours after birth.
OMG! what a bruiser, maybe it was best that she was a he :) I can't wait to come and kiss that adorable face, as a matter of fact I want to kiss all those adorable faces. so you all do some smooching from me and I'll see you soon, congrats.
YAY! I had a dream last night about your birth, and the baby you gave birth to was huge.
We're so HAPPY for you guys. I want to come visit. I want you to move up north.
congrats! loved the pic of you in the birthing tub! oh, i'm sarah's neighbor (amy) and we're (jim, avery, and me) are so happy for you! yeah for a new baby!!!
That baby is gorgeous.
I love him.
And he is HUGE!
I also LOVE the picture of Christina and the clock.
I miss her.
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